Welcome to National Employee Benefits Center

Experts in Modern Benefits Planning

National Employee Benefits Center are dedicated to working with individuals to better understand their benefits packages. We work with Federal, State, and Corporate employees throughout the United States. Group benefit plans, whether Federal, State, or Corporate share a similar structure and NEBC provides comprehensive planning resources to maximize the use of employee benefits plans and provides unique access to additional products and services not offered on traditional benefits platforms.

Areas of Focus

What NEBC Can Do for You

Optimize Benefits
Reduce Costs
Increase Income
Reduce Risk
Areas of Focus

What NEBC Can Do for You

optimize benefits

Optimize Benefits

reduce costs

Reduce Costs

increase income

Increase Income

reduce risk

Reduce Risk

Educate, Evaluate, Enhance Quote

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Improving your life starts with understanding your situation, looking at your options, and re-setting your compass to the correct destination.

NEBC Clients

Federal Employees
State Employees
Corporate Employees

National Employee Benefits Center begin with a 30-45-minute educational meeting to explain the basic functions of your benefits platform.


After you have an understanding of your benefits, our expert Benefit Counselors will help you analyze your individual situation by providing you multiple-age pension projections (FERS/CSRS, State, and Corporate Pensions) and Retirement Account future balance and income projections (TSP, 401(k), 403(b)). Your counselor will also review the current costs of your group life and health insurance programs (FEGLI, FEHB, State, and Corporate Programs) and discuss what impact retirement will have on those costs.


Finally, you will be given access to National Employee Benefits Center team of Insurance and Retirement Account specialists who will assist you to determine your specific needs and goals and help you maximize each dollar spent for insurances and invested in retirement accounts both within and beyond your established benefits plan.

how National Employee Benefits Center can help

National Employee Benefits Center objective is to empower you with knowledge and provide you access to all available options on and off your platform to maximize your future value.

National Employee Benefits Center Additional Resources

Insurance Network of 100+ Carriers for Best Rates Comparisons

Alternative Investment Asset Access & Self-Directed IRA Custodians

Advanced Planning Resources for High Net Worth Employees

how we can help

Avoid Missed Opportunity

of Employees are not maximizing their Benefits Platform.
of Employees have a gap in Retirement Income at Retirement.
National Employee Benefits Center contact info

Feel Free to Contact Us with Any Questions


1629 K Street NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006

Call Us

Support: 800-515-0888 Fax Number: 202-600-8049

Working Hours

Mon – Fri: 8am – 8pm Sat – Sun: Closed
contact us with any questions

National Employee Benefits Center is an independent organization and is not a government agency or affiliated with the federal government.
The Federal Government does not favor, endorse, or recommend any commercial company, product, or the views of National Employee Benefits Center.